How to animate a plot of raw EEG data?

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like to do a
1) simple plot of time against raw EEG (uV) data, the tricky thing is that
2) I hope to animate it as a moving line, as if it's being read real-time and the line forming.
I tried to look for answers throughout the forum but couldn't find any answer that can resolve this. I tried using this code, that plots a graph without any animation, and it seems to have an error message. Can anyone please help me see what the problem might be?
clear all
a1 = animatedline('Color', [0 .7 .7]);
axis([0 30 0 1000])
t = linspace(0, 20, 180); %what does this mean?
T = readtable('d_museMonitor_2021-01-21--18-36-17.csv');
A = table2array(T(:, 23));
for k = 1:length(t)
tk = [0:length(A)-1]/fs;
y = A; %or can this be y = A(k,:)? but this doesn't seem to work either
addpoints(a1, tk, A);
drawnow limitrate
Warning: Number of points exceeds the default maximum number of points of 1000000. To control the number of points in the animated
line, set the MaximumNumPoints property of the AnimatedLine object to the desired value.
> In testing (line 17)
Yet the data I have only has around 50000 points.. So I don't quite understand what the situation is..
3) Also, would it be possible to also show me how to covert the animation into a movie?

回答(2 个)

Iuliu Ardelean
Iuliu Ardelean 2021-1-29
I've changed a few things in your code.
Firstly, below is your movie as a .gif file. You can make it smoother if you want (see code below).
For more info on how to make .gif files, check out: (this is where I took the gif-making code sections from, and modified them a little).
I hope this answers all three questions.
Here is the code:
clear all
close all
h = figure;
a1 = animatedline('Color', [0 .7 .7]);
axis([0 30 0 1000])
T = readtable('d_museMonitor_2021-01-21--18-36-17.csv');
A = table2array(T(:, 23));
t = linspace(0, 20, length(A)); % Q: what does this mean?
% A: this creates a vector of length 47039
% with the first element 0 and
% the final element 20...
filename = 'testAnimated.gif'; % this is for your movie
for k = 1:length(t)
tk = t(k);
yk = A(k);
addpoints(a1, tk, yk); % you need to make sure you are only adding one
% point at a time... that means that
% length of tk = length of yk = 1.
% I think you were giving it 47039 elements every time,
% which may have caused the Warning to appear, but I am not too sure.
drawnow limitrate
% to make a gif:
% Write to the GIF File
if k == 1
% Capture the plot as an image
frame = getframe(h);
im = frame2im(frame);
[imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);
imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif', 'Loopcount',inf);
if mod(k,1000) == 0 % NOTE: change this to a smaller number if you want smoother gif
% you have quite a lot of points though, so it's a bit of a tradeoff
% between quality and total time required
% Capture the plot as an image
frame = getframe(h);
im = frame2im(frame);
[imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);
  1 个评论
Cherie Chao
Cherie Chao 2021-1-30
编辑:Cherie Chao 2021-1-30
Thank you so much for spending the time to help resolve my issues and answering my queries, you even processed the data! I'm a newbie and this process of exchange really helps me to learn and understand more about the logics of Matlab, such a powerful tool.
*I wish I could accept both answers because both helped me.


Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2021-1-29
I would modify the plotting code a little.
  • Use fs to set the time
  • Adjust xlim to give the perception of a 30 second scrolling window.
I find it much better to use the variable names to refer to data in a table. It helps you make sure you are plotting what you intended.
a1 = animatedline('Color', [0 .7 .7]);
axis([0 30 0 1000])
opts = detectImportOptions("d_museMonitor_2021-01-21--18-36-17.csv");
opts.VariableNamesLine = 1;
T = readtable('d_museMonitor_2021-01-21--18-36-17.csv',opts);
t = (1:height(T)-1)/fs;
for k = 1:height(T)
addpoints(a1, t(k), T.RAW_AF7(k));
% set the xlims to create a scrolling window
xlim([max(0, t(k)-30) max(30, t(k))])
drawnow limitrate
  8 个评论
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2021-2-2
The only difference was variable names and columns. Once you've selected the correct data, the rest of the code remains the same.



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