Wall Ball bounce Physics

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
gracias claude
gracias claude 2021-1-31
Motion of the ballI nitial position:
Constant Velocity: Vx= Vcosθ and Vy= Vsinθ where V and θare user inputs
.Position as function of time:x(t) = x0+ Vxty(t) = y0+ VytIn an iterative calculation:
x(t+Δt) = x(t) + VxΔt
y(t+Δt) = y(t) + VyΔt
Collision DetectionSince the box is bounded by x=10, y=10, x=-10, and y=-10, a ball will be colliding with one of the walls when x(t)≥10, x(t)≤-10, y(t)≥10, or y(t)≤-10. When a collision occurs, the ball will be bouncing off the wall.(Make sure the red dot will not go outside the box.)
  7 个评论
gracias claude
gracias claude 2021-1-31
should I do this in a for or while loop ?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-1-31
What is your stopping condition?
If you are required to do a particular number of time steps then use for
If you are required to stop when a condition is reached (e.g., 20 bounces), then use a while loop.
If you are required to go indefinitely until the user interrupts with control-C then use a while loop.


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