Changing order of plot?

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to plot a set of data. This is my code:
close all
stat = importdata("static pressure.txt");
dir = importdata("direction.txt");
tot = importdata("total pressure.txt");
cp_cfd = (stat-tot)/(0.5*0.8*36.3^2);
But, since direction.txt is not ordered for smallest to largest, the plot comes out like this (the plot function doesn't automatically order it):
I would like it to look like this (this is a scatter plot and I drew in a line in paint to show what I would like it to look like):
How would I do this?


David Coventry
David Coventry 2021-2-5
You can likely sort the direction, and use the sorted index to reorder the y values.
See the documentation of sort for more information
[x, I] = sort(dir/0.1524);
y = -cp_cfd(I);

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