Plot I vs Q using complex matrix dataset

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to plot I (inphase) vs Q (quadrature) graph using 128*256 complex dataset. The dataset is attached(M2.mat). What is the shape of the graph? Please share the code.
  2 个评论
Maximilian Schönau
编辑:Maximilian Schönau 2021-2-5
how do you want the komplex data be displayed? You need four dimensions to plot a 2d matrix of complex and therefor 2d numbers


回答(1 个)

Pratheek Punchathody
编辑:Pratheek Punchathody 2021-4-5
As per my understanding you want to plot I and Q from the complex signal mentioned in M2.mat.
Following piece of code will help to achieve it.
load M2.mat; %load the M2 file to the workspace
I = real(M2);
Q = imag(M2);
figure; hAxes = gca;
plot( hAxes, I );
hold( hAxes, 'on' );
plot( hAxes, Q, '--' );
Hope this helps


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