Word counting in a loop
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I have a while loop running where I bring in a sentence on every loop
Sentence(i) = ('some string of words');
I can split the words and count using the unique() function but...
I want to keep adding to a table that contains each unique word and the number of times it repeats
so it looks like...
Sentence(i) = ('some string of words that changes each iteration');
Words = splitlines(Sentence(i))
PL = (Words== "");
Words(PL) = [];
AnalysisWords = strings(0);
for i = 1:length(Words)
AnalysisWords = [AnalysisWords ; split(Words(i))];
AnalysisWords = lower(AnalysisWords);
[words,N,idx] = unique(AnalysisWords);
Im not sure how to turn this into a running list
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