How can I connect custom hardware to MATLAB or Simulink?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a custom board with its own code and I want to use it as a controller in Simulink. How can I connect MATLAB or Simulink to my board and send and receive data from it?

回答(1 个)

Jonas 2021-2-11
It is not that easy. You will need to create a custom target. There is a step by step workflow for Cortex-A based processors and for Cortex-M based processors. General information can be found here.
If you download a hardware support package for for example Arduino, Raspberry Pi or Beagle board, you are basically downloading such a custom target which someone else has made for you.
  4 个评论
mehrdad n
mehrdad n 2021-2-11
Yes I have my board connected to USB. If I want to use the Simulink Desktop Real-Time, which block I should use? and how?
Jonas 2021-2-11
I have no experience with that, but you should google it because I think other people will have done it before.


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