Negative range in range-doppler plot for FMCW radar
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I am doing post processing on ADC data from FMCW radar kit..I am using phased.RangeDopplerResponse and plotResponse for getting range-doppler map. I am wondering why is the plot showing negative ranges?The total range is 30 meters(with the set chirp parameters) but plot is showing from -15 to 15 instead of from 0 to 30 m?When i tried to change the range axis limits, i am getting plot like shown in figure?Can someone explain to me why it is happening and how i can display the returns for complete range (0-30 meters)?
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randerss simil
%if true
[X Y] = meshgrid(-10:10,0:30)
Use the range in meshgrid while generating contour plot like above. Changing axis limits will only shift the plot to the limits specified.
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