Error in kmeans of Matlab R2013 ?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have an unexpected error by running kmeans in the last version of matlab 2013. I tried to cluster a data matrix having 12410 rows and 15 columns (it is actually Principal Component). There are no missing entries in the dataset. When I type >> k=kmeans(PC,2);
I have the following error
Error using randsample (line 106) REPLACE must be either true or false.
Error in kmeans/loopBody (line 357) C = X(randsample(S,n,k),:);
Error in internal.stats.parallel.smartForReduce (line 128) reduce = loopbody(iter, S);
Error in kmeans (line 295) ClusterBest = internal.stats.parallel.smartForReduce(...
I precise that I had not this error on previous version with exactly the same coding
Thanks in advance for any help and suggestion


Ilya 2013-5-3
which kmeans
which randsample
to verify that you are using the functions from the official MATLAB installation. If you are, try to reproduce the problem on a smaller set of data and post that set here.
  2 个评论
Vincent Moron
Vincent Moron 2013-5-3
You were right. I had an old version of randsample stored in my personal directory and it mixes with the new one.
Thanks for the quick reply
Veera 2013-9-27
My matlab is using latest kmeans and randsample. There is no problem on small dataset and my data is output of PCA. I am facing this issue on larger dataset. Size of the dataset is around 250,000 vectors (250,000 * 188).


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