K-means Clustering Result Always Changes
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I'm working on k-means in MATLAB. Here are my codes:
load cobat.txt
k=input('Enter the number of cluster: ');
if k<8
[cidx ctrs]=kmeans(cobat, k, 'dist', 'sqEuclidean');
Z = [cobat cidx]
h=msgbox('Must be less than eight');
"cobat" is the file of mine and here it looks:
65 80 55
45 75 78
36 67 66
65 78 88
79 80 72
77 85 65
76 77 79
65 67 88
85 76 88
56 76 65
My problem is everytime I run the code, it always shows different result, different cluster. How can I keep the clustering result always the same?
0 个评论
Walter Roberson
%generate some initial cluster centers according to some deterministic algorithm
%in this case, I construct a space-diagonal equally spaced, but choose your
%own algorithm
minc = min(cobat, 1);
maxc = max(cobat, 1);
nsamp = size(cobat,1);
initialcenters = repmat(minc, nsamp, 1) + bsxfun(@times, (0:nsamp-1).', (maxc - minc) ./ (nsamp-1));
%Once you have constructed the initial centers, cluster using those centers
[cidx ctrs] = kmeans(cobat, k, 'dist', 'sqEuclidean', 'start', initialcenters);
6 个评论
esmat abdallah
initialcenters = repmat(minc, nsamp, 1) + bsxfun(@times, (0:nsamp-1).', (maxc - minc) ./ (nsamp-1));
please, matlab out an error on this line : "Error using +
Matrix dimensions must agree."
what can i do ??
Walter Roberson
%generate some initial cluster centers according to some deterministic algorithm
%in this case, I construct a space-diagonal equally spaced, but choose your
%own algorithm
minc = min(cobat, [], 1);
maxc = max(cobat, [], 1);
nsamp = size(cobat,1);
initialcenters = repmat(minc, nsamp, 1) + bsxfun(@times, (0:nsamp-1).', (maxc - minc) ./ (nsamp-1));
%Once you have constructed the initial centers, cluster using those centers
[cidx ctrs] = kmeans(cobat, k, 'dist', 'sqEuclidean', 'start', initialcenters);
更多回答(2 个)
the cyclist
K-means clustering uses randomness as part of the algorithm Try setting the seed of the random number generator before you start. If you have a relatively new version of MATLAB, you can do this with the rng() command. Put
at the beginning of your code.
2 个评论
Pallavi Saha
I am facing the same issue inconsistency in the output of fcm. Can anyone help me
3 个评论
Mehmet Volkan Ozdogan
I have a question about rng(). If we use rng() command, K-means algortihm stil repeats until the results are getting convergenced to the best. Is that right?
Thank you
Walter Roberson
just ensures that it will always use the same random number sequence provided that no other random numbers are asked for between the rng() call and the kmeans call.
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