How to calculate S11 from time domain response (TDR)?

99 次查看(过去 30 天)
There is an example of calculating the response in the time domain (TDR) for a given reflection coefficient (S11) -
How to solve the inverse problem - to find the reflection coefficient (S11) from the time domain response (TDR)?

回答(1 个)

Ayush Modi
Ayush Modi 2024-2-21
Hi Stepan,
You can calculate the S11 parameter from tdr data by performing Fourier Transform analysis. Here is an example to demonstrate how you can achieve this:
Step 1: Calculate Hann window using "hann" function.
windowed_tdr = tdr .* hann(length(tdr));
Step 2: Calculate fourier transform uisng "fft" function.
% Calculate fft
fft_result = fft(windowed_tdr);
% Process the FFT result
% Normalize the frequency axis
Fs = 1 / (t(2) - t(1)); % Sampling frequency, assuming uniform time step
n = length(fft_result); % Number of points in FFT
f = (0:n-1)*(Fs/n); % Frequency vector
% Scale the FFT result to account for the length of the signal and the window function
fft_scaled = fft_result / (sum(hann(length(tdr))) / length(tdr));
Step 3: Extract s11 parameters
% Extract S11
s11 = fft_scaled(1:n/2); % Take only the first half of the FFT result
s11_magnitude = abs(s11); % Magnitude of S11
s11_phase = angle(s11); % Phase of S11
Please refer to the following MathWorks documentation for more information on:
Hope this helps!




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