Breaking coordinate system into sections and finding the mean of each secction

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a matrix of (X,Y,Q) values. X is the x coordinate, Y is the y coordinate, and Q is the value at that point. There are thousands of data points for a given 100mm by 100mm area of X and Y. I need to write a code where I can break the coordinate system into a certain unknown number of equal size sections and take the mean of all Q values that fall in each section.
For example, take the mean of all Q values that fall within x = {0,5} and Y = {0,5}.

回答(1 个)

Shadaab Siddiqie
Shadaab Siddiqie 2021-2-22
From my understanding you want to split the matrix into equal size sections (i am assuming they are continuous) and find the mean of each section. Here is an basic idea to do that :
To select random number of sections :
  • Select random no of random rows.
  • Select random no of random columns.
  • Then split the matrix with these rows and column
To get the mean:
  • Create cumulative matrix using
CM = cumsum(Matrix,2);
  • Get sum of submatrix (section) from the cumulative sum to improve the performance


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