gscatter - attach label to each datapoint

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can I attach the grouping labels to each individual "scatter dot" in a scatter plot, using the gscatter function?
I am plotting x = Percentage GDP growth per country against y = Covid-19 performance index (score 1-100) per country. Naturally, 174 countries makes the legend long and difficult to interpret, and the colors that separate the different groups are often so similar it's impossible to spot the difference between them. Is it possible to attach the name of the country to the specific dot in the scatter plot? Or does anyone have a better suggestion as to how I can display my data?


Shadaab Siddiqie
Shadaab Siddiqie 2021-2-25
From my understanding you want to label each data point in a plot. Here is a reference which might help you.

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