Add element to legend outside for loop
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Hi all,
I have a for loop creating 1 figure with multiple lines in it.
Outside of the for loop, I'm adding 1 more line (which can't be done within the for loop).
My legend has a value for each iteration in the for loop, but now I want to add the value of the line outside the for loop as well.
How can I do this?
test = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8];
test2 = [11 12 13 14 15];
for i=1:length(test)
for j=1:length(test2)
results(j,:) = [value1 value2 value3];
legend(strcat('This is my test: a = ',num2str(test')))
plot(results(:,1),results(:,3)) % I only need these values for the very last iteration
legend('some text no numbers or values')
回答(1 个)
Jemima Pulipati
From my understanding, you want to add legend individually to the generated plot.
The following answers from the community might be of relevance to you.
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