Help with commands varargin and switch

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[EDIT: Mon May 16 20:51:23 UTC 2011 - Reformat - MKF]
I am new to MATLAB and I am trying to understand the code given in the following paper (Matov et al 'Analysis of microtubule dynamic instability using a plus-end growth marker', Nature, 7, 761-768 (2010).
One of the codes uses command varargin and switch. Could someone please explain the use of these command in MATLAB.
Part of the code is given below %START
function [cutoffIndex, cutoffValue, sp, axesH] = cutFirstHistMode(varargin)
% goodDataIdx is used in case data contains nans
goodDataIdx = [];
% check for axesHandle
if ishandle(varargin{1})
axesH = varargin{1};
varargin(1) = [];
verbose = 1;
axesH = [];
switch length(varargin) - isscalar(varargin{end})
case 1 % data
doHistogram = 1;
data = varargin{1};
data = data(:);
%END. I have given only a part of this code.
Your help is truly appreciated.


Matt Fig
Matt Fig 2011-5-16
Probably the best thing is for you to read the doc on these topics.
  4 个评论
NS 2011-5-18
Thanks Jan.
I ran the code. The "if" operator processed the true statements if the argument had a positive value (not 0).
eg. when ishandle(varargin{1})=1 the if statement was processed and when the value was 0 the else statements were processed.
Also I understood what varargin stands for after running the code. Thanks once again
Jan 2011-5-18
Be careful: "ishandle(varargin{1})=1" is not a comparison, but a standard bug. You want: "ishandle(varargin{1})==1". "if ishandle(varargin{1})" works also, because ISHANDLE replies a LOGICAL already.
"if X" with a numerical X (even an array!) means explicitely: "if all(X) && ~isempty(X)".


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