Hi Jennifer Bennington,
I understand you have a query regarding generating a custom header in .m file. You can write a MATLAB script that reads the generated .m file, adds a custom header, and then writes the content back to the file. Here's an example script that does this:
function addCustomHeaderToFile(filename, headerText)
% Read the existing content of the file
originalContent = fileread(filename);
% Define a custom header
timestamp = datestr(now, 'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS');
header = sprintf(['%% Custom Header - Generated on %s\n'...
'%% MATLAB version: %s\n'...
'%s\n\n'], timestamp, version, headerText);
% Concatenate the custom header with the original file content
newContent = [header originalContent];
% Write the new content back to the file
fileId = fopen(filename, 'w');
fwrite(fileId, newContent);
After saving your bus object to the .m file, call the “addCustomHeaderToFile” function with the filename and your custom header text:
% Define custom header text
myHeaderText = 'This code was autogenerated by a script. Do not modify manually.';
% Call the function to add the header
addCustomHeaderToFile('MyBusObjectFile.m', myHeaderText);