Speed up code:: Code is working but slow..

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi ,
The code is working fine, but it's very slow... any suggestions ?
C(1:3,1:3,1:3,1:3) = rand(3,3,3,3)
T = [cos(theta) sin(theta) 0;
-sin(theta) cos(theta) 0;
0 0 1];
T_z = T;
tensor_order = ndims(C);
el_n = numel(C);
C_tran = C;
C_tran(:) = 0;
iie = zeros(tensor_order,1); % initialise vector with indices of input tensor element
ioe = zeros(tensor_order,1); % initialise vector with indices of output tensor element
cum_vector = cumprod(3*ones(tensor_order,1))/3;
for i = 1:el_n, % loop over all output elements
ioe = mod(floor((i-1)./cum_vector),3)+1; % calculate indices of current output tensor element
for j = 1:el_n, % loop over all input elements
pmxx = 1; % initialise product of transformation matrices
iie = mod(floor((j-1)./cum_vector),3)+1; % calculate indices of current input tensor element
for k = 1:tensor_order % loop over all dimensions
pmxx = pmxx * T_z( ioe(k), iie(k) );
C_tran(i) = C_tran(i) + pmxx * C(j); % add product of transformation matrices and input tensor element to output tensor element

回答(1 个)

per isakson
per isakson 2021-2-25
编辑:per isakson 2021-2-25
  2 个评论
Mark Sc
Mark Sc 2021-2-25
Thanks for your answer... actually, I still do not know why, and which lines are the main problem.. I also asked for any modifications in the code, specially converting sum functions into a for loop
per isakson
per isakson 2021-2-26
编辑:per isakson 2021-2-26
"but it's very slow" Do you mean more than one millisecond? What is an acceptable execution time?
"specially converting sum functions into a for loop" The function, sum(), doesn't appear in your code.



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