how to calculate sound level (spL) audio file (*.wav) ?

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calculate sound level

回答(1 个)

jibrahim 2021-3-4
Hi ngoc,
You can use splMeter from Audio Toolbox.
% EXAMPLE: Calculate sound pressure level of signal
audFileName = 'FunkyDrums-44p1-stereo-25secs.mp3';
scope = timescope('SampleRate',Fs,...
'YLimits',[20 110], 'AxesScaling','auto',...
{'LAF', 'LAeq', 'LApeak', 'LAmax'});
sm = splMeter('TimeWeighting', 'Fast',...
'FrequencyWeighting', 'A-weighting',...
'SampleRate', Fs, ...
x = audioread(audFileName);
[LAF,LAeq,LApeak,LAmax] = sm(x(:,1));
  12 个评论
Justin 2022-10-29
Hi, any idea how to obtain the L10, L50 and L90 sound level from an audioread() file?
ranavind 2023-1-31
Any Idea, How to use this code in another application like .Net or Python


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