How to fill the gaps on the boundary surface of the cone using MATLAB?

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Hi Mathworks community members
I am utilizing the Dr. Bruno Luong's code to fill the gaps. i am using P=[1 2 3; 8 0 4; 7 6 5] to fill the gaps on the boundary surface but some gaps cannot be filled successfuly. using this code, the gaps were filled as 3s. So, i need to adjust the P because its not filling all the gaps. Please anyone can guide me how to overcome this problem.
Aorg = load()
Aorg = s.Aorg;
gapmax = 10;
[m,n] = size(Aorg);
A = double(Aorg>0);
P=[1 2 3;
8 0 4;
7 6 5];
Apad = zeros(m+2,n+2);
maxattempt = 10;
for niter = 1:maxattempt
Apad(2:end-1,2:end-1) = A>0;
B = zeros(m,n,8);
for k=1:8
[i,j] = find(P==k);
B(:,:,k) = Apad(i-2+(2:end-1),j-2+(2:end-1));
As = A>0 & sum(diff(B(:,:,[1:8 1]),1,3)==1,3)<=1;
[y,x] = find(As);
if isempty(x)
p = length(x);
xy = [x,y];
xy1 = reshape(xy,1,[],2);
xy2 = reshape(xy,[],1,2);
d = sum(abs(xy1-xy2),3);
d(d==0) = NaN;
i = (1:size(d,1))';
[dmin,j] = min(d,[],2);
keep = dmin <= gapmax;
i = i(keep);
j = j(keep);
for k=1:length(i)
xyi = xy(i(k),:);
xyj = xy(j(k),:);
dxy = xyi-xyj;
if abs(dxy(1)) > abs(dxy(2))
xr = linspace(xyi(1),xyj(1),abs(dxy(1))+1);
yr = round(interp1([xyi(1),xyj(1)],[xyi(2),xyj(2)],xr));
yr = linspace(xyi(2),xyj(2),abs(dxy(2))+1);
xr = round(interp1([xyi(2),xyj(2)],[xyi(1),xyj(1)],yr));
A(sub2ind(size(A),yr(2:end-1),xr(2:end-1))) = 3;

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-3-1
The code didn't run so I repaired and improved it below. Other than that I don't know anything about it because unfortunately there are no comments in it to explain it. Good programming practice requires comments.
However I thought that in your other post you said that my bwconvexhull() method was working fine. If it's not anymore, then let me know why not.
Aorg = load('Matrix_Boundary_fills_1s_only.txt')
subplot(2, 1, 1);
imshow(Aorg, []);
title('Input : Aorg', 'FontSize', 20);
gapmax = 10;
[m,n] = size(Aorg);
A = double(Aorg>0);
P=[1 2 3;
8 0 4;
7 6 5];
Apad = zeros(m+2,n+2);
maxattempt = 10;
for niter = 1:maxattempt
Apad(2:end-1,2:end-1) = A>0;
B = zeros(m,n,8);
for k=1:8
[i,j] = find(P==k);
B(:,:,k) = Apad(i-2+(2:end-1),j-2+(2:end-1));
As = A>0 & sum(diff(B(:,:,[1:8 1]),1,3)==1,3)<=1;
[y,x] = find(As);
if isempty(x)
p = length(x);
xy = [x,y];
xy1 = reshape(xy,1,[],2);
xy2 = reshape(xy,[],1,2);
d = sum(abs(xy1-xy2),3);
d(d==0) = NaN;
i = (1:size(d,1))';
[dmin,j] = min(d,[],2);
keep = dmin <= gapmax;
i = i(keep);
j = j(keep);
for k=1:length(i)
xyi = xy(i(k),:);
xyj = xy(j(k),:);
dxy = xyi-xyj;
if abs(dxy(1)) > abs(dxy(2))
xr = linspace(xyi(1),xyj(1),abs(dxy(1))+1);
yr = round(interp1([xyi(1),xyj(1)],[xyi(2),xyj(2)],xr));
yr = linspace(xyi(2),xyj(2),abs(dxy(2))+1);
xr = round(interp1([xyi(2),xyj(2)],[xyi(1),xyj(1)],yr));
A(sub2ind(size(A),yr(2:end-1),xr(2:end-1))) = 3;
subplot(2, 1, 2);
imshow(A, []);
title('Output : A', 'FontSize', 20);
  3 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-3-2
Why can't you just use beconvhull?
chImage = bwconvhull(binaryImage);
perimeterImage = bwperim(chImage);
M.S. Khan
M.S. Khan 2021-3-3
Thanks image analyst. Yes, i am using: perimeterImage = bwperim(chImage);
but in the image, i am getting gaps as shown in the image with blue color. which is making problem for me. First, i want to fill all the gaps on the boundary surface and then will apply bwperim() to acheive complete outer shell without any gaps on it.
Also, i think,
chImage = bwconvhull(binaryImage)
can only be used for convex images which cannot cover the concave images.
My objective is covering the gaps on the boundary surface.
i have used the above code to fill the gaps and label with 3 but still i could not succeed to fill all the gaps. Any guidance please.



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