Processing Multiple EMG files

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Ryan Chhiba
Ryan Chhiba 2021-3-2
评论: Stephen23 2021-3-3
I have multiple files of raw EMG data of different muscles that needs to be linear enveopled. I know how to do that and have made code for it but I was wonderig if there would be a way to run the code on multiple files to save some time. I know that a for loop of some sorts could be used but I do not understand how to create one for files instead of vectors. Is there any way to do this?
ex. the files can be found in 'C:, User, User1, Downloads, S02, S2_T3data, Proceessed_EMG, Cond_EMG "
the files are named : SCM_L, SCM_R, UTR_L, UTR_R
Thanks in advance
  5 个评论
Ryan Chhiba
Ryan Chhiba 2021-3-2
I have tried to use the dir function to get a list and I keep getting an error
Error in ForLoopPractise (line 2)
dir Users\ryanchhiba\Downloads\S02\Subject 2_VTAS
dir Users\ryanchhiba\Downloads\S02\Subject 2_VTAS CA_JTTT_T1_Feb_23_2021_conditionedEMG.Processed_EMG.EMG_Processed.Conditioned_EMG
thats the path, is it becase the Subject 2 file is a MATLAB file and I am looking for things in MATLAB?
Stephen23 2021-3-3
Do not use command syntax, use function syntax exactly as the example in the documentation shows.


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