How to store multi images like a tensor?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everybody,
I have 50 images, each with size m * n. I want to store it as a tensor. has dimensions (m * n) x 50. Like a video.
please help me.

回答(1 个)

Rahul 2024-11-21
To store multiple images as a tensor, you can either create a cell array and use the 'cat' function to concatenate the image matrices to the cell array. This is also mentioned in this Answer:
Another approach which can be considered is pre-defining a 3D array to store the image matrices. Here is an example:
num_images = 50;
image_tensor = zeros(m, n, num_images); % Defining 'image_tensor' as a 3D array
for i = 1:num_images:
img = imread(imagePath); % Here the 'imagePath' should be updated as required
image_tensor(:, :, i) = img;
Refer to the following MathWorks documentations to know more:


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