Hello! I can manage to get my data values to plot correctly on the app, but I just want to change to color of the bars. This is the script I tried running with the color change, where I tried using the Cdata to get different colored bars. Any help is appreciated!!
function UIAxesButtonDown(app, event)
bf = app.BodyFatEditField.Value;
Dmax = app.DiameterMaxEditField.Value;
Dmin = app.DiameterMinEditField.Value;
Psys = app.SystolicPressureEditField.Value*0.0013;
Pdia = app.DiastolicPressureEditField.Value*0.0013;
Pdrop = Psys-Pdia;
Ddrop = Dmax-Dmin;
EM = (Pdrop*Dmax)/Ddrop;
patients = [1 2 3 4 5];
bodyfat = .10;
bodyfatc = .22;
bodyfatl = .42;
bodyfath = .67;
EMc = 0.4025;
EMh = 0.3248;
EMk = 0.3177;
EMl = 0.488;
bf = [bodyfat bodyfath bodyfatc bodyfatl app.BodyFatEditField.Value; EMk EMh EMc EMl EM];
bar(app.UIAxes, patients,bf, 'FaceColor', 'flat')
b.Cdata = [0 .5 .5; .5 0 .8];