In what ways can Matlab continue running while a window pops up?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi there,
I am running a script which calls an executable (of which I cannot acces the source code) multiple times. From time to time during the run (which can take several hours) Matlab stops running because the executable gives a pop-up window as intermediate output. In order to continue running, I have to click "ok".
The problem is that I don't have the time to click this button over and over again (about every minute during a run of several hours). In what ways can I prevent that Matlab stops running while a window pops up? Can I suppress this pop-up window or make Matlab automatically click "ok"?
Best regards, Simon


Jan 2013-6-10
You can emulate a keypress in another application:
  2 个评论
Simon 2013-6-12
Thank you for your answer! I tried Java-Robot but it was a bit complex, therefore I googled for other programs like the ones you suggested and I found AutoHotKey. This is a separate application which is build to strike keys and start programs. It works fine for me. Thanks for the idea!
Irl 2013-8-30
编辑:Irl 2013-8-30
Simon -- I have been trying to get AHK to work with Matlab (e.g., type certain special characters) but Matlab seems to ignore anything coming from AHK. I'm still on Matlab 2010; do you have a version of Matlab which plays well with AHK? Or is is just that you run AHK in some kind of loop which looks for the window from your executable and robo-clicks the "OK" button, rather than interacting directly with Matlab?


更多回答(2 个)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013-6-10
Hi, you could solve the issue in case you had access to the source code of the executable that pops up the cumbersome window. If you can not access that source code, you can not modify the way the pop-up window behaves.

Simon 2013-6-10
Thanks for your answer David. I understand it, maybe it is possible to let Matlab ignore the window or to let Matlab press the 'ok' button?


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