How do I print a cell array to txt or convert it to a matrix???

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I have the following array
val(:,:,1) = [145][2.0101e-09] [-6] [1x1 cfit] [1x1 struct] [0.5170]
... ... ...
val(:,:,100) =[144][6.0301e-09][0][1x1 cfit] [1x1 struct][0.6009]
How can I print this array to txt file or convert it to a matrix???
  2 个评论
Jan 2013-5-29
I cannot imagine, what the code should mean. Could you please valid Matlab syntax? "[1x1 struct]" needs to be specifically explained, before it can be answered, how it can be written to a file.
Ashraf Afana
Ashraf Afana 2013-5-30
The original array of 100 values (resulted from a script) has the following structure: '<1x1 struct>' '<1x1 struct>' ... '<1x1 struct>'. Each value within the array has the following field names (omm ommt ose f gof rauc)and their values are (([145][2.0101e-09] [-6] [1x1 cfit] [1x1 struct] [0.5170])).
The values of the fourth comes from a fit of gaussin and the fifth are their parameters, which is another struct with the following fields(( sse, rsquare dfe, adjrsquare, rmse)) with their corresponding values. I tried fprintf and cellarray, struct2cell and struct2mat but I always have an error massage. So, how to print and extract this nested structure array?



Brent 2013-5-29
If your structures are numerical you can use the RESHAPE function with a third dimension of 1.

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