Failed to Call Regression Learner's Testing Function

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Error using mlearnapp.internal.model.DatasetSpecification>@(t)t(:,predictorNames) (line 172)
Unrecognized table variable name 'priorDeformationage'.
Error in mlearnapp.internal.model.DatasetSpecification>@(x)extractPredictorsFromTableFcn(x) (line 177)
predictorExtractionFcn = @(x) extractPredictorsFromTableFcn(x);
Error in
(line 181)
newExportableModel.predictFcn = @(x) exportableModel.predictFcn(predictorExtractionFcn(x));

回答(1 个)

Shubham Rawat
Shubham Rawat 2021-3-23
Hi Abhinav,
In the picture I can clearly see that error is bacause of unrecognized table variable:
For this please check the following things:
  • Check if there is a variable 'priorDeformationage' or not in the table.
  • Check for Spelling mistake.
  • Check if you are accessing the right table.
  • Check if the table is your path.
Hope this Helps!
  2 个评论
Oriane AUBERT 2022-11-27
Hi, I have the exact same issue. How did you resolve it? I did check all the points proposed, but it seems that everything is fine...
Thanks in advance.



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