Help for "Longitudinal Traffic model or Car-Following Model" simulation

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all, I am implementing a Longitudinal Traffic Model or Car-Following Model for a highway. Does anyone have an idea, references or simple code for drawing car motions using Car-Following Model. Thanks all in advance !

回答(1 个)

Happy61 2013-6-7
编辑:Happy61 2013-6-7
you can use any of the following car following models but I recommend the first one:
  1. IDM car following by Martin Treiber
  2. GM car following model
  3. Gipp car following model
  5 个评论
pedrodiablo 2020-2-17
Happy61, I know some years have passed but I’m very interested in your IDM Matlab model as this is something I’m trying to implement. Is this something you can still help with?



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