Stack 3D images in a 3D plot

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a set of images of dimension 320x321x3 uint8. They all represent the cross sectional slices of an arbitrary object. Now i want to stack, say every 10th slice in a 3D kindda plot. I have no idea where to start with. Kindly give some suggestions.


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2013-6-7
X = zeros(320,321,3,10); %10 slices for example
Now you stick every RGB image in the 4th dimension using the same instructions from here:
for ii = 1:10
Construct filename
X(:,:,:,ii) = imread(filename)
  2 个评论
pri 2013-6-10
编辑:pri 2013-6-11
Thank you so much for your response. However I think I should explain a little more. I have taken the projection of an object for multiple angles. i have taken iradon, and now i have the cross sectional slices(as row/column matrix). I want to stack every 10th slice along Z in a kinda 3D visualization, for showing the corresponding cross sectional slice of the object.
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2013-6-11
the output from iradon is grayscale not rgb correct? If that is the case, do exactly what I have above moving the fourth dimension into the third:
X = zeros(320,321,10);


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