Converting text file to array

109 次查看(过去 30 天)
mukesh bisht
mukesh bisht 2021-3-27
评论: Dyuman Joshi 2023-10-20
I want to convert the text file (file attached below) into array of size 4X6. The array should not include the first row (containing characters).
Please help
  1 个评论
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023-10-20
If you have R2019a or later versions, the best approach is to use readmatrix, as Walter has specified.
Otherwise, readtable is the obvious choice.


回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-10-20
format long g
arr = readmatrix("WallContacts.txt")
arr = 4×6
1.0e+00 * -0.00275786 0.24992 0.449027 845.871 0 0 -0.00421111 0.455012 0.190379 1260.68 0 0 -0.00385227 0.775165 0.177235 1166.12 0 0 -0.00300194 0.085385 0.172096 905.685 0 0

Ramtej 2023-10-20
Hi mukesh,
I understand that you are trying to import text file data as an array.
In order to achieve this, you can follow below steps:
  • Since, the data in the text file is in a table format. You can import the data as a table using "readtable" function and perform the desired operation on the table itself.
% import the text file as table
tbl = readtable("WallContacts.txt");
  • Once you have imported the data as a table, you can convert it to an array using "table2array" functions as shown below.
% convert it into multidimensional array or matrix
arr = table2array(tbl);
Hope this resolves you query!!

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