Basic opeation in matlab

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
iliya 2013-6-10
Hello i am very green in matlab SO sorry for simple (stupid) question.
what the difference between next command
y = input'*H(wCode,:);%H is a Matrix of NxN,
y = input*H(wCode,:);
from what i understated it takes a certain row of matrix and multiply by input vector but i cant figure out what this symbol ' dose.

回答(2 个)

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub 2013-6-10
In this case the ' is a shorthand way of calling the ctranspose function. You may also want to look at .' which is shorthand for calling the transpose function.

Jan 2013-6-10
You can simply try it in the command window:
in = 1:10;
I've avoided the name "input", because this is an important Matlab command and overwritng it can lead to unexpected results.


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