MATLAB Coder class not supported

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have the following code for an image classification function:
function out = NNet_Predict(in) %#codegen
persistent NNet;
if isempty(NNet)
NNet = coder.loadDeepLearningNetwork('C:\Users\iacev\Desktop\ImgClass\NNet.mat');
out = classify(NNet,in);
and the corresponding test file that calls on the function:
newImage = imread(fullfile('C:\Users\iacev\Desktop\ImgClass\Prueba\106.jpg'));
imageSize = [256 256 3];
in = augmentedImageDatastore(imageSize, newImage, 'ColorPreprocessing','gray2rgb');
y = NNet_Predict(in);
sprintf('The subjects mask is %s', y)
When using MATLAB Coder, i get the following error:
what could I do to fix this?
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-3-28
It is true, that kind of data store is not supported for code generation.
C++ code generation supports the following syntaxes:
  • [YPred,scores] = classify(net,X)
  • [YPred,scores] = classify(net,sequences)
That is, do not create an augmented store: do the imresize() yourself and pass the resized image in as image data directly.


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