Hi Brett
I understand that you are facing issues in formatting the top graph so that you can label the x/y axis.
When you use the priceandvol function to plot stock prices and volume, it creates a figure with two subplots, one on top of the other. The top one usually displays the stock price, while the bottom one shows the trading volume. To add labels and titles to each subplot, you'll need to grab handles to these subplots and then use them to set properties for each one individually.
Here's how you can modify your code to label both the price and volume graphs:
ford = xlsread('Ford_Stock_Prices.xlsx');
MATLABDate = x2mdate(ford(:,1),1,'datetime');
[ax, h1, h2] = priceandvol(ford(:,1:end));
dateaxis(ax(2), 'X', 12, min(ford(:,1)))
title(ax(2), 'Ford Stock Volume')
legend(ax(2), 'Volume of Shares')
title(ax(1), 'Ford Stock Price')
legend(ax(1), 'Price of Shares')
You can refer to the MathWorks documentation below to learn more about "priceandvol" function:
Hope this helps!