Renaming loaded variable with initially unknown name

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Hello All,
Currently I am working with genome scale models. So, I have .mat files of those models. After loading the files, I get random variables (suppose: xyz, data type: 1x1 struct) in my workspace. I want to fetch variables inside the loaded variable. Like xyz.reactions or xyz.genes. But I am unable to get the name 'xyz'. How can I rename them automaically without knowing the variable names?
I tried > model = load('filename.mat'); but this creates a struct with the unknown name inside model, so unable to fetch variables in it.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated!


Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2021-3-30
data = load('census.mat')
data = struct with fields:
cdate: [21×1 double] pop: [21×1 double]
variableNames = fieldnames(data)
variableNames = 2×1 cell array
{'cdate'} {'pop' }
dataFromVariable1 = data.(variableNames{1})
dataFromVariable1 = 21×1
1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880
fprintf('Variable %s from census.mat is %s\n', variableNames{1}, mat2str(dataFromVariable1))
Variable cdate from census.mat is [1790;1800;1810;1820;1830;1840;1850;1860;1870;1880;1890;1900;1910;1920;1930;1940;1950;1960;1970;1980;1990]

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