How to open a .mldatx-file?

164 次查看(过去 30 天)
HV 2021-3-31
回答: Yash 2024-8-26
When I open a .mldatx-file, the Signal Analyzer pops up, but won't show the data which the .mldatx-file contains. I can see the data/graphs the .mldatx-file contains in left downside corner of the screen (graphs in red circle, see image below). So I know the files is not empty, but how do I open it correctly?
I know that a .mldatx-file has something to do with Simulink or Simscape. I received these .mldatx-files without a Simulink-model or script. Do I need one? Or can I create a subsitute script or Simulink-model, so I can open the files?
I also tried to open the files in Simulink with the Simulation Data Inspector, but I could not choose to import a .mldatx-file.
Can someone help me with this problem?
Thanks in advance!
  1 个评论
MEP 2022-2-2
编辑:MEP 2022-2-2
Hi, the .mldatx is Simulink Simulation Data Inspector saved session. The mldatx file extension is associated with the Simulink, a graphical programming environment for modeling and simulating. The mldatx file contains saved session (settings and data) from Simulation Data Inspector. Simulation Data Inspector is a part of Simulink used to inspect and compare data and simulation results to validate and iterate model designs. So, it contains only the simulation results; to see the code you need the original file.


回答(1 个)

Yash 2024-8-26
An MLDATX file is used to save and load Simulation Data Inspector Sessions in MATLAB. Please refer to the following section of documentation to understand how to load a MLDATX file:
You can refer to the following video by MathWorks to get more details on Simulation Data Inspector and MLDATX files:
For more details on saving and sharing Simulation Data Inspector Data and Views, please refer to the following documentation:
I hope this helps!


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