How can I get my Simulink model prints to fill the page?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I print a Simulink model, instead of fitting it to the page (letter sized landscape), it is printing it in a 55 mm x 75 mm patch in the upper left hand corner. What do I need to set/change to correct this?
Upon further investigation, it appears to be a problem with the Frame that I am choosing. When a Frame is not selected, the printed Simulink model is sized appropriately.
What are the appropriate Frame settings (in the .fig file) so that the Simulink model print will scale to the size of the printed sheet?
Here is the current .fig file:
>> openfig("C:\MATLAB\R2020a\toolbox\simulink\simulink\sldefaultframe.fig")
ans =
Figure (PrintFrameFigure) with properties:
Number: []
Name: ''
Color: 'none'
Position: [39 39 992 727]
Units: 'pixels'
Show all properties
Alphamap: [1×64 double]
BeingDeleted: off
BusyAction: 'queue'
ButtonDownFcn: ''
Children: [1×1 Axes]
Clipping: on
CloseRequestFcn: 'closereq'
Color: 'none'
Colormap: [256×3 double]
ContextMenu: [0×0 GraphicsPlaceholder]
CreateFcn: ''
CurrentAxes: [1×1 Axes]
CurrentCharacter: ''
CurrentObject: [0×0 GraphicsPlaceholder]
CurrentPoint: [0 0]
DeleteFcn: ''
DockControls: on
FileName: 'C:\MATLAB\R2020a\toolbox\simulink\simulink\sldefaultframe.fig'
GraphicsSmoothing: on
HandleVisibility: 'on'
InnerPosition: [39 39 992 727]
IntegerHandle: off
Interruptible: on
InvertHardcopy: on
KeyPressFcn: 'dokeypress(gcbf)'
KeyReleaseFcn: ''
MenuBar: 'none'
Name: ''
NextPlot: 'add'
Number: []
NumberTitle: on
OuterPosition: [31 31 1008 768]
PaperOrientation: 'landscape'
PaperPosition: [0.0303 0.0545 0.9394 0.8909]
PaperPositionMode: 'auto'
PaperSize: [1 1]
PaperType: 'usletter'
PaperUnits: 'normalized'
Parent: [1×1 Root]
Pointer: 'arrow'
PointerShapeCData: [16×16 double]
PointerShapeHotSpot: [1 1]
Position: [39 39 992 727]
Renderer: 'opengl'
RendererMode: 'auto'
Resize: on
Scrollable: off
SelectionType: 'normal'
SizeChangedFcn: ''
Tag: 'PrintFrameFigure'
ToolBar: 'none'
Type: 'figure'
Units: 'pixels'
UserData: [1×1 fighandle]
Visible: off
WindowButtonDownFcn: ''
WindowButtonMotionFcn: ''
WindowButtonUpFcn: ''
WindowKeyPressFcn: ''
WindowKeyReleaseFcn: ''
WindowScrollWheelFcn: ''
WindowState: 'normal'
WindowStyle: 'normal'

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