How do you read a column from a csv file that has commas?

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I want to read column 19 of the table (surface elevation) into MATLAB but I get a table with characters rather than numbers when I write this:
tidedata1 = readtable('Newhaven_19820101_19871231.csv');
When I check tidetdata1(:,19), it has character showing as '-99.000',
How do you get rid of the 3 commas and convert the column to numbers so that I can use it for calculations? I'd highly appreciate an example using my file (for this column if possible).


tng 2021-3-31
编辑:tng 2021-3-31
B = readtable('Newhaven_19820101_19871231.csv', 'Delimiter', ',');
B = B(:,11);
B = table2array(B);
Actually this seems to work.

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