Can multiple vectors of differing data types be used in one object or matrix for a SOAP message

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I am trying to interface with the Metlin SOAP API and have generated the bindings using createClassFromWsdl. However, the input parameter 'SpectrumMatchRequest' should contain 8 different variables, which is the case for similar database SOAP API messages. Is there a way of combining the different variables into one object or array?
For instance MassBank takes:
function xReturn = searchSpectrum(obj,mzs,intensities,unit,tolerance,cutoff,instrumentTypes,ionMode,maxNumResults)
Below is the method I need to use:
function result = SpectrumMatch(obj,SpectrumMatchRequest) %SpectrumMatch(obj,SpectrumMatchRequest) % % Input: % SpectrumMatchRequest = (SpectrumMatchRequest) % % Output: % result = (spectrumLineInfo)
% Build up the argument lists. values = { ... SpectrumMatchRequest, ... }; names = { ... 'SpectrumMatchRequest', ... }; types = { ... 'SpectrumMatchRequest', ... };
% Create the message, make the call, and convert the response into a variable. soapMessage = createSoapMessage( ... 'Metlin', ... 'SpectrumMatch', ... values,names,types,'rpc'); response = callSoapService( ... obj.endpoint, ... 'SOAP/Metlin#SpectrumMatch', ... soapMessage); result = parseSoapResponse(response);


Iain 2013-6-13
You can certainly have a cell array:
mycell{1} = uint8([4 5 6]);
mycell{2} = double([4 5 6]);
mycell{3} = 'wibble wobble';
mycell{4} = true;
You can have a structure
mystruct.SevenSins.Greed = 1;
mystruct.SevenSins.Gluttony = uint8([1 4 66]);
mystruct.SevenVirtues.Cleanliness = 'is next to godliness';
... etc etc.
You can also define a class, which is really just a structure with some additional features.

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