Hi Daniel,
I understand that you are trying to efficiently match and retrieve values for each ID-date combination in "File A" from "File B" based on overlapping date ranges, without resorting to inefficient loops or creating excessively large arrays. A straightforward and efficient approach to achieve this in MATLAB involves using table operations and logical indexing. Here is how you can do it:
Step 1: Perform an Inner Join on ID
First, merge "File A" and "File B" based on the 'ID' field. This operation aligns rows from both tables that have matching IDs.
% Assuming FileA and FileB are MATLAB tables
mergedTable = innerjoin(FileA, FileB, 'Keys', 'ID');
Step 2: Filter Rows Based on Date Range
Next, filter the merged table to keep only those rows where 'Date' from "File A" falls within the 'Date1' and 'Date2' range from "File B".
% Logical indexing to filter rows
isWithinRange = mergedTable.Date >= mergedTable.Date1 & mergedTable.Date <= mergedTable.Date2;
filteredTable = mergedTable(isWithinRange, :);
Step 3: Extract and Assign 'VariableX' to FileA
For each ID-date combination in "File A" that matches the criteria, assign the corresponding 'VariableX' value from "File B". Assuming each ID-date combination in "File A" uniquely matches a single row within the date range in "File B", you can directly assign 'VariableX'.
% Assuming 'VariableX' needs to be added to FileA and is initially not present
FileA.VariableX = NaN(size(FileA, 1), 1); % Initialize VariableX in FileA with NaN or another placeholder
% Map 'VariableX' from filteredTable back to FileA
% This step assumes you have a way to uniquely identify each row in FileA to a row in filteredTable, possibly via an index or by ensuring the rows are in the same order.
% For demonstration, if rows are aligned and each ID-date from FileA has a unique match in filteredTable:
FileA.VariableX = filteredTable.VariableX; % Direct assignment if rows are aligned and uniquely matched
This approach leverages MATLAB's powerful table operations to efficiently match and retrieve the necessary data without using explicit for-loops or creating large, unwieldy arrays. Remember to adjust the final step based on how you can uniquely identify and map each row from "File A" to its corresponding row in the filtered table, which might involve additional steps if the rows are not directly aligned.
Hope this helps.