Label drag and drop on plot not working the same between MATLAB versions

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am updating a large MATLAB code from 2013b to run on 2020b. I have simplified and attached a section of it so you can just call the function to show the area of interest. The code allows you to drag and drop labels across a plotted line. It works great in 2013b but something has changed since then, and I can't figure out what is happening. I can't get it to generate errors or respond to figure out what is going on. If someone could point out the issue, that would be very helpful.
  1 个评论
DGM 2021-4-2
编辑:DGM 2021-4-2
Not sure yet, but the example works in R2009b and fails in R2015b. There was a quite a bit of stuff changed in 2014. It seems like the CBF aren't running at all, but every now and then I can manage to get them to fire. Strange.



DGM 2021-4-2
Ah. Figured it out. Set the pickableparts property of the labels.
te = text(xe,ye,['_{End}'],'rotation',45,'parent',ax,'hittest','off',...
'userdata',pe,'color',[0 .7 0],'tag','Testpoint','pickableparts','none');

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