How to Connecting nearby pixels of binary image

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How Connecting nearby pixels of binary image. Because i need to use image region analyzer and need to the image to be as one connected pixels i have thousands of image like that i need to make all pixels connected or how to make image region analyzer as one image not parts.. I work on CT image like this which i need image region analyzer as one part

回答(2 个)

Matt J
Matt J 2021-4-5
imclose() is the traditional way to close small gaps between nearby pixels.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-4-5
Are there really gaps/openings there or not? If they aren't there, then it looks like you just did the segmentation improperly, like you chose a bad threshold or something. With a good threshold, you should be able to get at least the outer perimeter closed.
  5 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-4-5
It doesn't look like a binary image. It looks like a gray scale image that was thresholded to create a binary image, and then the binary image was used to mask (erase) the gray scale image outside the mask. Like
mask = grayImage > someThresholdValue;
outputImage = grayImage; % Initialize
outputImage(~mask) = 0; % Erase outside mask.
What I'm saying is that your segmentation algorithm, which might be a simple global threshold like the first line of code I gave above OR it may be something more complicated, is not doing a good job masking the image. So, did you do a global threshold? If so, try changing the threshold value. Or did you do something more sophisticated, like called imbinarize() with the adaptive (locally varying) option?



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