Hi Huy,
To visualize dynamic, color-coded pressure distributions on a foot insole design imported from a DXF file in MATLAB, follow these steps:
Step 1: Import the DXF File
Convert your DXF file to an image or a set of coordinates that MATLAB can process. For an image:
footInsole = imread('footInsole.png'); % Adjust file path
Step 2: Define Sensor Locations and Simulate Values
Map sensor locations to the insole representation and simulate or fetch dynamic sensor values:
sensorLocations = [x1, y1; x2, y2; ...]; % Sensor locations
sensorValues = rand(size(sensorLocations, 1), 1); % Dynamic sensor values
Step 3: Create Dynamic Color-Coded Visualization
Use a scatter plot for dynamic updates, with point colors representing sensor values:
hold on;
imshow(footInsole); % Insole background
for t = 1:100 % Example loop for dynamic updates
sensorValues = rand(size(sensorLocations, 1), 1); % Update sensor values
scatter(sensorLocations(:,1), sensorLocations(:,2), 100, sensorValues, 'filled');
caxis([minValue maxValue]); % Consistent color scale
pause(0.1); % Adjust as needed
hold off;
Replace "minValue" and "maxValue" with the actual range of your sensor data. Adjust the loop and pause duration according to your requirements for real-time or simulated data updates.
Hope this helps!