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Question about imshow syntax

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Son 2013-6-23
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
Hi all,
I have some problems with the 'imshow' syntax. For example if I have the below code :
for i=1:3000
if rand<0.5
imshow(a,'InitialMagnification', 'fit')
Because the matrix is two "long", 3000 columns, so when I use imshow to display, I just see it's a long line. How can I fix this problem, make it bigger ?.
The second question is, when I display it, the place where its value is 1, it's displayed with white dot and the black one for the value 0. If I want to change the dot to any other symbol, for example, triangle, symbol x,.... How can I do that ?
Thanks all in advance
  2 个评论
Jan 2013-6-24
What does "bigger" mean here, when the image has a width of 1 pixel?
Btw., a faster method to create the image:
a = double(rand(1, 3000) < 0.5);
Son 2013-6-24
I mean if you use the smaller matrix, for example a = zeros(1,100) and then imshow(a), you can see more clearly the element in the matrix than using the bigger matrix, what do you mean a width of 1 pixel

回答(1 个)

Jan 2013-6-24
编辑:Jan 2013-6-24
To plot triangles instead of dots, use the plot command and obtain the corrinates by find.
  1 个评论
Son 2013-6-24
"obtain the corrinates by find" I dont really get this one, could you tell more clearly



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