How to add a save feature in GUI? I tried this, but doesn't work

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function save_user_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to save_user (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

回答(1 个)

Abhishek Chakram
Abhishek Chakram 2023-10-11
Hi Kuhen Suresh,
It is my understanding that you want to add a save feature in GUI. Here are the steps to achieve the same:
  1. Add a “uibutton” to the GUI
  2. Add a “ButtonPushed” callback to it.
  3. Use “exportgraphics” function to save it in any format.
Here is a sample code for the same:
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
You can refer to the following documentations to know more about the functions used:
Best Regards,
Abhishek Chakram


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