Access difference between 3 dimensional matrices

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I have two matrices,A is a 1000*1000*3 matrix and B is another matrix that started out as A and due to changes made during the code is a different 1000*10000*3 matrix. I would like to find out the position and the number of elements that have not changed. This for two D matrices can be done with setdiff, is there any way I can do this for 3D matrices? Thanks


Matt J
Matt J 2013-6-28
[i,j,k] = ind2sub(size(A), find(A==B));
  4 个评论
Samadrita 2013-6-28
Sorry about not mentioning RGB! [i,j] is still a matrix bigger than my original matrix at 25609092x2 . I also tried simply find(all(A==B)),that is a 933X1 matrix. Would that give me the number of unchanged values? Or am I misunderstanding something? Thanks for commenting.
Matt J
Matt J 2013-6-28
[i,j] is still a matrix bigger than my original matrix at 25609092x2
No, I don't think it's bigger
>> 5052*6492>25609092
ans =


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