Hi Andrew,
According to the code, x is passed as the input argument to the function. However, according to the second line of the code, we get to know about the value x only after we have read the file usin audioread. So we can pass the name of the file as input to the function instead of the MATLAB array containing the sound intensity values.
Another change that can be made to the code is to use the command plot(1:N, y) instead of plot(N,y) since both the arguments for the plot function should be arrays whereas in the latter case it is a value N versus an array y.
You can refer to the code snippet below:
function y=symclip(filename)
[x, fs] = audioread(filename);
N=length(x) ;
th=1/3; % threshold for symmetrical soft clipping
% by Schetzen Formula
for i = 1:N
if abs(x(i))< th, y(i)=2*x(i);end;
if abs(x(i))>=th,
if x(i)> 0, y(i)=(3-(2-x(i)*3) .^2)/3; end;
if x(i)< 0, y(i)=-(3-(2-abs(x(i))*3) .^2)/3; end;
end ;
if abs(x(i))>2*th,
if x(i)> 0, y(i)=1;end;
if x(i)< 0, y(i)=-1;end;
end ;
plot(1:N, y)
Hope this helps!