only reading and plotting data for one file while I want it to read and plot data for 12 files

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I am trying to read column 4 and 10 from 12 excel files and plot 12 graphs from it but I am only getting plot 1. Below is the code can you guide me how to do it properly.
close all; clear all; clc;
% To access the folder
folder = fullfile('C:','Users','muhammad','Documents','PhD_3rdYr','Experiments_2021','performance_110');
files = dir( fullfile(folder, '*.ods') );
% Reading and extracting data from 12 excel files hence plotting
for ii = 1:length(12)
data = readmatrix(fullfile(files(ii).folder,files(ii).name), 'NumHeaderLines', 1)
x= data(:,10)
% Plotting data
hold on
%Spacing and griding
xlim([0 6])
ylim([0 0.8])
hold on
grid on
% Outlet starting
y = 0.237;
line ([0,5],[y,y],'color','r');
txt = {'Outlet,Invert Level = 237 mm'};
% Design Head
y = 0.737; %17 mm
line ([0,5],[y,y],'color','r');
txt = {'Design Head = 737 mm'};
% Design Limit Box
x =5;
line ([x,x],[0,0.737],'color','r')
hold on
%Chart Representation
title('Outlet-110 mm');
xlabel('flowrate (l/s)');
ylabel('Head (m))');
% legend('VFC');


Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2021-4-21
all plots are updated at each loop iteration on the same figure(1)
so at the end you have only one figure showing the last iteration
change in your code : figure(1) into figure(ii)

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