how to import data from multiple folders in matlab?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have my data in multiple folders. let say i have a folder containing 3 subfolders at the moment that look like this
i want to import the vitesse file in to cell array. this is the code that i am using at the moment
for i=1:numfiles
##really appreciate if u can help me. I am stuck with this for almost 3 days. thanks

回答(1 个)

Muthu Annamalai
Muthu Annamalai 2013-7-1
I don't understand your question. You seem to already have a working solution.
filenames = {'path/1/fil1', ... }
numfiles= length(filenames);
for i=1:numfiles
mydata{i}=load( filename{numfiles} );
If you want to access filenames dynamically you can use the dir() command.
q = dir('./')
filenames = {}
You don't have a choice except for specifying the files to look for with load. Its a simple task to do.
  1 个评论
bu 2013-7-1
yes it is a working solution however, if it involves like 100 or more files i have to specify each folders and files manually. it is very troublesome. By the way I am new to matlab so can you please incorporate example code with the directory given.
i dont understand the
filenames = {'path/1/fill', ...}
q = dir('./') filenames = {}
thanks for the quick reply.



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