Calculate power of exponential

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can i calculate , if A=[8 7 0] and B=[2 12 1];
I tried this code:
A = [8 7 0];
B = [2 12 1];
C = exp(A)
Matlab keeps giving error: Inner matrix dimensions must agree.


Daniel Pollard
Daniel Pollard 2021-4-23
Deleted my previous answer as I hadn't seen your edit so gave a wrong answer.
You need a . before the multiplication symbol. Try
A = [8 7 0];
B = [2 12 1];
C = exp(A)
C.*B computes element-wise multiplication of C and B, then sum them to calculate the do product.
  4 个评论
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2021-4-23
I see no mention of dot product in the question. But if that was the original posters request, use the dot function instead of the multiplication operators * or .* to compute the dot product.
Daniel Pollard
Daniel Pollard 2021-4-23
Are we seeing different versions of the question? To me it says
"How can I calculate , if A=[8 7 0] and B=[2 12 1]" before they outline what they tried and the error it returned.


更多回答(1 个)

Mike 2021-4-23
* by itself means matrix multiply
.* means multiply individual terms


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