You could store the letters as follows in the variable currentResult. I've added in some conditions to count lives. One could also add other conditions like, checks to ensure you don't guess the same letter twice. The while loop runs until one of the conditions in the second if else block becomes true, i.e. after you win or you die.
dict= {'filter','random','ubiquitous','solid','granular','torment'}; % small sample dictionary
randWord = dict{idx};
% Displays current known letters, and number of letters
currentResult = repmat('*',size(randWord));
% ?? I'm guessing this is useful for testing
for i = 1:length(randWord)
numLives = 4; % this can decrement by 1 for each incorrect attempt
while true
A = input('Enter a Letter: ','s');
idx = randWord == A; % Check if input, A, matches any letters in randWord.
if any(idx) % One or more letters matched
currentResult(idx) = A; % Insert matched letter(s) into currentResult
fprintf('Word: %s\n\n',currentResult) % display updated 'currentResult'
else % case for incorrect guess.
numLives = numLives-1; % lose a life
fprintf('Incorrect! Number of lives left: %d\n',numLives) % display numLives
fprintf('Word: %s\n\n',currentResult) % display current result
% if one of these conditions passes, let user know they won/died and
% exit loop.
if numLives == 0
disp('You died.')
break % exits the loop
elseif ~any(currentResult=='*') % if there are no *'s left then you win.
disp('Congratulations, you win!')
break % exits the loop