operand (&&) error when trying to set a parameter

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a block of code that evaluates one matrix, BOX, with anohter matrix, TruveValMat. each of these has 8 values that need to be compared, when they all come back as equal, it enables a button on a GUI:
if strcmp(TrueValMat{1,1}, BOX(1,:)...
&& strcmp(TrueValMat{1,2}, BOX(2,:))...
&& strcmp(TrueValMat{1,3}, BOX(3,:))...
&& strcmp(TrueValMat{1,4}, BOX(4,:))...
&& strcmp(TrueValMat{1,5}, BOX(5,:))...
&& strcmp(TrueValMat{1,6}, BOX(6,:))...
&& strcmp(TrueValMat{1,7}, BOX(7,:))...
&& strcmp(TrueValMat{1,8}, BOX(8,:)))
set(handles.certifyButton, 'enable', 'on');
I am now getting this error when I run I get up to this part:
Operands to the logical and (&&) and or (||) operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
is there any way to fix this error?

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-5-2
Simply use isequal():
if isequal(TrueValMat, BOX)
handles.certifyButton.Enable = 'on'; % Using new and modern OOP way instead of old set() way.
  2 个评论
avram alter
avram alter 2021-5-3
I have an indicator that occurs when each position in BOX becomes equal to the position in TruveValMat. it looks like this:
if strcmp(TrueValMat{1,n}, BOX(n,:)) %cannot sub-index to CELL types normally, must use this method
set(handles.Box(n), 'BackgroundColor', 'g');
set(handles.Box(n), 'BackgroundColor', 'r');
Box is the name of panel that corresponds to each value of BOX. when all of the panels turn green, that would mean that BOX = TruevalMa at each position. however, despite each box going green, the certify button does not get enabled, whether I use the new OOP method or the old one
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-5-3
Please attach TrueValMat, BOX in a .mat file so people can try things.
save('answers.mat', 'TrueValMat', 'BOX');
Attach a screenshot of your "indicator".



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