storing multiple image in single file

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi All,
Is there a way to store multiple images in a single file ? I am trying the following:
thanks, rishabh


Steve Eddins
Steve Eddins 2011-5-26
There is a method for writing multiple images to a TIFF file that has been in MATLAB a long time. It does not require the recently introduced TIFF class that Walter mentioned.
imwrite(im1, 'myfile.tif');
imwrite(im2, 'myfile.tif', 'WriteMode', 'append');
  1 个评论
Harsha Vardhan Rao  Avunoori
Thanks Steve I had this doubt from quite a long time :)Thanks for clarifying it :)


更多回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-5-26
If you have a recent enough version, you can use the new TIFF class to write subfiles. See the hint about writeDirectory here
If you do not have a version that supports the TIFF class, there is no supported way to do what you want (but perhaps it could be done with one of the MATLAB FIle Exchange submissions.)

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson 2011-5-26
I was going to suggest that you could write your images to a fits-file - it is a good image format, in its way. Then when I checked matlab does not provide a fits-writing function, which is a bit pathetic. There are, however, a bunch of packages available on the FEX and the net.


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