Segmentation violation detected Error on matlab R2018b on Debian 10 while running mt_prep_snap tool StaMPS-4.1-beta
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I'm trying to make insar time series with the matlab tool StaMPS-4.1-beta, launching the first command returns this error (the operating system is Debian 10, MATLAB R2018b):
fabio@unict:/media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822$ mt_prep_snap 20150822 /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822 0.4 9 3 70 70
mt_prep_snap Andy Hooper, August 2017
Amplitude Dispersion Threshold: 0.4
Processing 9 patch(es) in range and 3 in azimuth
Segmentation violation detected at gio mag 06 16:36:58 2021 +0200
Crash Decoding : Disabled - No sandbox or build area path
Crash Mode : continue (default)
Default Encoding : UTF-8
Deployed : false
Desktop Environment : XFCE
GNU C Library : 2.28 stable
Graphics Driver : Unknown software
MATLAB Architecture : glnxa64
MATLAB Entitlement ID : 5218571
MATLAB Root : /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018b
MATLAB Version : (R2018b) Update 8
OpenGL : software
Operating System : Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Process ID : 24930
Processor ID : x86 Family 143 Model 8 Stepping 2, AuthenticAMD
Session Key : ad05fc57-4088-46f8-ba9a-388c36d575de
Static TLS mitigation : Enabled: Full
Window System : No active display
Fault Count: 1
Abnormal termination
Register State (from fault):
RAX = 000000000000000b RBX = 00007f02b2963760
RCX = 787564642e62616c RDX = 00007f02b2963760
RSP = 00007f02b2963430 RBP = 00007f02b2963460
RSI = 0000000000000000 RDI = 00007f02b2963430
R8 = 0000000000000000 R9 = 0000000000000000
R10 = 0000000000000007 R11 = 00007f02db6d9200
R12 = 00007f02b2963530 R13 = 00007f02b2963ec0
R14 = 00007f02b2963530 R15 = 00007f02ac131a78
RIP = 00007f02d3ee1a22 EFL = 0000000000010206
CS = 0033 FS = 0000 GS = 0000
Stack Trace (from fault):
[ 0] 0x00007f02d3ee1a22 bin/glnxa64/ _ZNK8settings4core8Settings21getSettingsByFullNameERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+00000018
[ 1] 0x00007f02b8a071e5 bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 2] 0x00007f02b89d70fb bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 3] 0x00007f02b89c0500 bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 4] 0x00007f02b89cceca bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 5] 0x00007f02b89c6eaa bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 6] 0x00007f02d8b76e75 bin/glnxa64/
[ 7] 0x00007f02b89c6b06 bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 8] 0x00007f02d9a2dc0d /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 9] 0x00007f02d8e1ffa3 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[ 10] 0x00007f02da15f4cf /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ clone+00000063
[ 11] 0x0000000000000000 <unknown-module>+00000000
** This crash report has been saved to disk as /home/fabio/matlab_crash_dump.24930-1 **
MATLAB is exiting because of fatal error
opening /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822/rslc/20150412.rslc...
Segmentation fault
mt_extract_cands Andy Hooper, Jan 2007
Patch: PATCH_1
selpsc_patch /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822/ pscands.1.ij pscands.1.da mean_amp.flt f 1
file name for zero amplitude PS: pscands.1.ij0
dispersion threshold = 0.4
width = 26413
number of amplitude files = 0
Segmentation fault
psclonlat /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822/ pscands.1.ij pscands.1.ll
opening pscands.1.ij...
Error opening file pscands.1.ij
pscdem /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822/ pscands.1.ij pscands.1.hgt
opening pscands.1.ij...
pscdem: Error opening file pscands.1.ij
pscphase /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822/ pscands.1.ij
opening pscands.1.ij...
Error opening file pscands.1.ij
Patch: PATCH_27
selpsc_patch /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822/ pscands.1.ij pscands.1.da mean_amp.flt f 1
file name for zero amplitude PS: pscands.1.ij0
dispersion threshold = 0.4
width = 26413
number of amplitude files = 0
Segmentation fault
psclonlat /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822/ pscands.1.ij pscands.1.ll
opening pscands.1.ij...
Error opening file pscands.1.ij
pscdem /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822/ pscands.1.ij pscands.1.hgt
opening pscands.1.ij...
pscdem: Error opening file pscands.1.ij
pscphase /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822/ pscands.1.ij
opening pscands.1.ij...
Error opening file pscands.1.ij
The crash report opened by MATLAB below:
Segmentation violation detected at gio mag 06 16:36:58 2021 +0200
Crash Decoding : Disabled - No sandbox or build area path
Crash Mode : continue (default)
Default Encoding : UTF-8
Deployed : false
Desktop Environment : XFCE
GNU C Library : 2.28 stable
Graphics Driver : Unknown software
MATLAB Architecture : glnxa64
MATLAB Entitlement ID : 5218571
MATLAB Root : /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018b
MATLAB Version : (R2018b) Update 8
OpenGL : software
Operating System : Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Process ID : 24930
Processor ID : x86 Family 143 Model 8 Stepping 2, AuthenticAMD
Session Key : ad05fc57-4088-46f8-ba9a-388c36d575de
Static TLS mitigation : Enabled: Full
Window System : No active display
Fault Count: 1
Abnormal termination
Register State (from fault):
RAX = 000000000000000b RBX = 00007f02b2963760
RCX = 787564642e62616c RDX = 00007f02b2963760
RSP = 00007f02b2963430 RBP = 00007f02b2963460
RSI = 0000000000000000 RDI = 00007f02b2963430
R8 = 0000000000000000 R9 = 0000000000000000
R10 = 0000000000000007 R11 = 00007f02db6d9200
R12 = 00007f02b2963530 R13 = 00007f02b2963ec0
R14 = 00007f02b2963530 R15 = 00007f02ac131a78
RIP = 00007f02d3ee1a22 EFL = 0000000000010206
CS = 0033 FS = 0000 GS = 0000
Stack Trace (from fault):
[ 0] 0x00007f02d3ee1a22 bin/glnxa64/ _ZNK8settings4core8Settings21getSettingsByFullNameERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+00000018
[ 1] 0x00007f02b8a071e5 bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 2] 0x00007f02b89d70fb bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 3] 0x00007f02b89c0500 bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 4] 0x00007f02b89cceca bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 5] 0x00007f02b89c6eaa bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 6] 0x00007f02d8b76e75 bin/glnxa64/
[ 7] 0x00007f02b89c6b06 bin/glnxa64/ddux/ddux_impl/
[ 8] 0x00007f02d9a2dc0d /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018b/bin/glnxa64/
[ 9] 0x00007f02d8e1ffa3 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
[ 10] 0x00007f02da15f4cf /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ clone+00000063
[ 11] 0x0000000000000000 <unknown-module>+00000000
3 个评论
Wang Jun Wang
Hi,I also meet this problem? Did you have solve it?
Just like:
pscphase /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822/ pscands.1.ij
opening pscands.1.ij...
Error opening file pscands.1.ij
li xin
Hi,I also meet this problem? Did you have solve it? Just like: pscphase /media/fabio/Dati_1/project/INSAR_20150822/ pscands.1.ij opening pscands.1.ij... Error opening file pscands.1.ij
回答(1 个)
Hi Fabio,
From what I can understand, there is a crash and Segmentation Fault (core dumped) error during mt_prep_snap.
The reason behind this crash and error might be the compiler version. StaMPS has to be compiled with gcc-7 to fix the issue.
Please refer to the following post for more information about the issue and workaround:
I Hope this helps!
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